Find out more about the work we’ve done across the NRG Group of companies.

North Sea – Semi & Jack Up Operations
A new Client to McGregors’ requested our support on two offshore North Sea projects. Two rigs commencing around the same time – one for jack-up operations and one for semi – both durations 90 – 110 days.
Shetland – Hydrogen Operations
Retained on an exclusive basis to source an experienced hydrogen engineer for the world’s first facility for demonstrating and testing wave and tidal energy converters.
Global Renewables Company
McGregor’s were tasked to source an experienced Operations Director responsible for the UK. This exciting role was vital for progressing our client’s ambitious growth targets…
Equatorial Guinea – Jack-up Operations
McGregor Consultants supported our client through challenging times during their operations in Equatorial Guinea. A total of 14 consultants comprising of a complete Upstream well delivery team were placed to work on this project travelling from various parts of the world.
Provision of Full Life Cycle Well Examination and Technical Support
NRG Well Examination provided support to a new UKCS Operator throughout the purchase, operation and ultimate decommissioning of a North Sea field.
Côte d’Ívoire – Deepwater Operations Personnel
McGregor Consultants were approached by the Operator to support their deepwater operations by supplying a team of highly experienced personnel.
Geothermal Well Examination & Risk Review
NRG Well Examination was awarded two separate contracts to provide well examination services for Operators drilling geothermal wells in the UK.
Côte d’Ivoire – Deepwater Well Management
NRG Well Management was contracted to provide a full well management service to support a deepwater exploration drilling campaign
Carbon Capture and Storage Risk Assessment
NRG Well Examination was requested to conduct an independent in-depth review of a CC&S Risk Assessment
NRG Group Companies

NRG Group Profile
The NRG Group consists of three independent but closely related companies, providing well integrity, engineering, and project management services to the upstream oil and gas industry. View the profile to find out more about the group and how it was formed.